Friday, June 8, 2007

What was the Rwanda Genocide?

The Rwanda Genocide was a huge extermination of hundreds of thousands of moderate Hutus and Tutsis. It was carried out by two extreme Hutu militia groups, the Interahamwe and the Impuzamugambi. During the 100 days from early April to to mid-July 1994, at least 800,000 people were brutally killed. The militia groups would go into villages and round up as many people as they could get. They would then kill them in mass amounts.

The United Nations, although knowing about the violence, refused to send any help into Rwanda. It took until the Tutsis rebeled in a movement known as the Rwanda Patriotic Front to end the violence. In this they overthrew the government and siezed power. It took until after the Rwandan Civil War for the United Nations to even start to arrest people for war crimes.

There has not been any found reason to explain why all of these people were killed. The government had directed the two groups to kill the moderate Hutus and Tutsis because they thought that they didn't deserve to live. They listened to the government without thinking about what was right and what wasn't because that's the way that they were taught to act. Those people truly thought that the Hutus and Tutsis were not really meant to be alive and deserved to die.

There has been a resolution of the Rwandan Genocide. First, the UN and United States both knew of the horrors occuring inRwanda but refused to act. With no assistance from the UN or US, the Security Forces deployed French forces in Goma, a land southwest of Rwanda. They stopped the Genocide inside that area. The Rwnadan Patriotiv Front continued to fight the Hutu controlled government. They recieved support from Uganda and Tanzania. They both helped invade Rwanda. The Genocide ended in July 1992 with the Tutsis defeating the Hutu regime. After the Genocide, the US used relief planes to drop supplies for the suffering in camps but did nothing further to help. In 2001, the UN set up an International Criminal Tribunal to prosecute the hugher level members while the Rwandan government took care of the lower end people. Many people have recieved the death penalty for their crimes but a few members are still at large!

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