Friday, June 8, 2007


I think that the Rwandan Genocide was horrible. I cant understand how you could hate someone you don't even know enough to hack them down with a machety. It also does not make sense because the two tribes are so similar. Outsiders said that the Tutsis were supierior to the Hutus and after that the Tutsis were considered the better of the two and ruled over the Hutus who represented the majority of the population. Then the first wave of blood shed started when the Hutus tried to gain power. The overthrown Tutsis no longer held any power witch only promoted ethnic hate between the two tribes. As the ethnic tension between the two tribes grew so did the hostilities between the two tribes. In 1985 the Tutsis launched a campaign to "regain their rights as Rwandans". The result was major repressing of Tutsis and any Hutus who were believed to be in league with them. During this period the plans for the genocide were being prepared to be put into action and when the hate between the two tribes reached its peak the genocide was put into action January 1994. It surprises me how long it took for any of the other nations to do anything. Between 800,000 and 1,071,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were dead by the time anything was done by other nations. I also don't understand how you could go up to someones house throw in a hand grenade and walk away to do the same to the next house and still be able to live with yourself the next day just to repeat the cycle.

1 comment:

Tommy D said...

who do you think is to blame for the genocide? the RPF or the Hutu government?